

  • Students should be in their seats by 8:30a.m. every morning.   The warning bell sounds 8:25a.m.    Students entering the building after 8:30 will be marked Tardy.  Students need to be on time in order to participate in sports, clubs or any afterschool activities. 


BHS Math League News


Important Upcoming Dates

  • December 20 - Winter Concert - (Chorus 6:30PM  Band 7:30PM)
  • December 25 - Christmas (No School)
  • December 23 - January 2 (No School Winter Break)
  • January 3 - School Re-Opens 
  • January 11 - School Improvement Team (4:00PM)
  • January 11 - Booster Club 
  • January 16 - Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (No School)
  • January 24-27 Mid Term Exams 
  • January 27 - End of 2nd Marking Period 


Click HERE for all SENIOR Yearbook Information and deadlines.

Yearbooks are currently on sale.  The Pricing is tiered and right now through the holidays, the books are at the lowest price point.  Please follow the link below to order.

Now through 1/31/2023    $60.25

2/1/23-2/28/23                 $85.25 3/1/23-4/7/23                   $105.25


Books are not available after April 8th 2023.  There will not be a wait list


Important Links:

WORKING PAPERS   - Working papers can be obtained in the School Counseling office.  Please see Mrs. Lamanna for details.


  • If your child tests positive for COVID, please call the office with their absence  so the office can document it.   Please also email or call nurse, Tammy Lafreniere at Lafrenieret@barringtonschools.org or 247-3155 as well
  • Students can return on Day 6 if they are fever free and will need to wear a mask for the next 5 days.